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Vancouver update

Last saturday I was again in Downtown Vancouver for sightseeing. My first stop was the Police museum. Oddly enough, this museum (together with the main police office) is located in East Downtown, an area which is populated mostly with homeless, drug addicts et cetera. This museum is quite interesting because it has several rooms showing the history of the Vancouver police and also rooms where you can see different weapons, different (illegal) drugs and even an "autopsy" room which shows brains and skulls with bullet-holes. (see the pictures below) I also went to Stanley Park. It's one of the biggest city parks in North America. There are the famous totem poles, one of the most often photographed sight in Vancouver. Yesterday we went to Whistler, a famous ski resort north of Vancouver. Whistler will play an important role during the 2010 Olympics. Vancouver Vancouver Whistler

His work is not yet done

I am desperately looking for the works of Thomas Ligotti, especially his essay "The conspiracy against the human race". This essay was online for a while but not anymore, unfortunately. Perhaps some visitor of this blog can help...

Vancouver update

Last Saturday I did some sightseeing in Downtown Vancouver. The first picture shows the Lookout-tower from where I have taken the picture of the Downtown skyskrapers. The third one shows the public library which was built after the Colosseum in Rome. Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver


Vancouver I arrived in Vancouver 4 days ago. I am again in a solid state although I could not completely cure my cold before the flight. Vancouver seems to be really worth a visit although I could not do much sightseeing yet. I took the above picture today's evening. The university campus where we stay is located in a district called Burnaby and the picture was taken on a hill in a nice park that is near the campus. More to come soon.

Spritzen + Ascorbinsäure

Ich war gerade in der Apotheke. Vor mir standen zwei junge Männer "alternativen" Aussehens, die Spritzen gekauft und zudem nach Ascorbinsäure gefragt haben. Nicht nur das Aussehen der Jungs hat mich an Trainspotting erinnert. Die Beiden verbringen wohl heute einen Abend, der nicht von dieser Welt sein wird, zumindest am Anfang. (Ascorbinsäure wird laut Wikipedia zum Erhöhen der Löslichkeit des Heroins in Wasser beigemischt.)

Zitat des Tages

"Die Liebe eines Liebhabers nimmt ab wie der Kubus der Entfernung von seiner Mätresse und wie das Quadrat der Länge seiner Abwesenheit."
(Quelle: Lehrbuch der Analysis von Harro Heuser)


This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could ...