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Categories: Fun


Yesterday I was in Debrecen. It is the second biggest city in Hungary with the biggest Protestant church in Hungary.


Last week I was in Cluj, the "capital" of Transylvania. I encountered the following two street art graffiti. Vlad Tepes is more commonly known as Dracula. The graffiti says: Vlad Tepes (for) president. (The second graffiti says: "I am listening to you, Mr. Norris".)

Close to Cluj (actually in Turda) is a salt mine which was recently renovated. Besides a very cool "echo room" where you can say something into an abyss and its echo will be repeated countless times, there is also a hall with some entertainment areas for children. This hall is really huge (there is also an elevator) and has an interesting atmosphere.

On the last day of my visit I went hiking in the surrounding of Cluj. There was so much fog that day that the whole Carpathian basin around Cluj looked like we are actually above the clouds.


A guy walked into a pub and immediately noticed a young lady at the bar on her own.

After a couple of drinks, he decided to offer her a drink and make small talk.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Carmen," she replied.

"That's a nice name," he said. "Did your mother or father name you that?"

"Neither," she said. "I changed my name when I was 18 from Sharon to Carmen."

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Well," she explained, "I like men and I like cars, so that is how I got my name. What's your name?"

"Beertits," the man replied.


Ich lese derzeit Annäherungen von Ernst Jünger. Darin beschreibt er seine Drogen- und Rauscherfahrungen. Es ist ein ganz wunderbares Buch.

"An den ersten Rausch wie an das erste Liebesabenteuer gerät der Heranwachsende meist durch Zufall; diese Begegnungen entziehen sich dem Plan. Kapellen des Dionysos und der Aphrodite könnten im Tempel der Fortuna stehen." (S.83)

Börzsöny hills

Yesterday I went hiking in the Börzsöny hills which lie on the norther side of the Danube. They are of volcanic origin and are part of the Danube-Ipoly National Park.